- Red Cross Water Safety Instructor
-CPR Certified
-MA in Elementary Education
We offer beginner, intermediate, and advanced lessons.
Ages 3 and up (swimmer must be potty trained)
Pricing per session:
$250- new swimmer
$220- returning swimmer
All lessons are taught at a private saltwater pool.
Swimming lessons are designed as a completely customizable learning experience. Depending on the swimmer’s ability level, participants will progress from learning the basics of swimming to a more advanced refinement of their stroke.
We offer weekly sessions, 30 minute classes each day (Monday- Friday), same time each day.
We only accept cash. Tuition must be paid in full by the first class.
You may not skip classes and later make it up. Our schedule becomes booked up and it is impossible to makeup every missed class. If we have to cancel because of bad weather or any other reason, we will schedule make up days for those students.
There are no refunds. If you have to reschedule because of sickness or any other emergency, we can reschedule your lessons to another week or time.
Once you have scheduled your date and time, we ask a $20 moving fee if you would like to change that date or time. It becomes very difficult to reschedule times and move other clients around.
Arrive 5 minutes prior to your class and NOT sooner, for parking reasons. Encourage your child to use the bathroom before the lesson begins. We strive to start each lesson on time with all class members present for the start.
Bring 2 towels for your child and apply sunscreen 30 minutes prior to lesson.
Please tie long hair back in a ponytail.
Goggles may be worn only if the swimmer does not become distracted.
Call or text us at: 256-278-8236 OR